Saturday, October 10, 2009

Something New (to us)

There are approximately fifty small groups in our Jr. High ministry currently. Every other week, instead of all the students gathering together at church, we divide them into seven homes based on school district geography. The programming that occurs in these homes is different than when we meet at church, but closely follows the same structure (game, worship, teaching, small group). This means that each home has a volunteer who is responsible to teach the content for that week. However, in addition to this task, these volunteers are also responsible to help care for the other volunteers in their home, organize programming, oversee service projects, and the list goes on.

For the last eight years, we have put the full responsibility of teaching this content on these volunteers, and they have done a great job. However, as we increase the number of cell families, increase the responsibility our Teachers have, and as our volunteers lives get busier, we have decided to try something new to continue to guarantee excellence in teaching and make life a little easier on these volunteers. This Wednesday we are trying our first partial video teaching. We still want our Teachers to set up the material, and we want them to focus on presenting the "application", but we put most of the Biblical and historical background on video. We are sure it is going to be a learning experience, and we are excited to hear the feedback.

If you are interested , here is the video portion of the teaching.


Barbie Schowalter said...

I love this video venue idea! Thanks again for serving the kids at Ada Bible. My kids LOVE LIfeline!

Kristine Beckering said...

Hi John,
I wanted to thank you for the blog and all the information.
Kristine Beckering