Sunday, October 18, 2009

Leader Introductions

This fall, we have over one hundred volunteers between Jr. High and Sr. High. We realize that most of our students only know a hand full of these leaders. As this number continues to grow, we are trying to find new ways to help our students connect with a greater number of leaders, so that we can increase the potential relational impact.

Many of the students that we serve have access to and are familiar with video editing software. As a result we decided to invite our students (starting with Sr. High) to introduce their small group leader to us in 2 minutes or less through video. We maintained the right to edit what they gave us, but other than that, we left it completely in their control. To give them some idea of what we were talking about, we put together this simple video.

So far, nobody has entered a video, but there has been a lot of buzz about the idea. We will have to see what happens.

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